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Aroma Freedom Technique






Heather was first introduced to AFT through a friend. There was an upcoming group session on Zoom so she decided to sign up and give it a try…and she just loved it! She did a few more sessions with great results, but then kept thinking about the process after it was over. She knew that it was such a great way to get a handle on some of the things she had been dealing with and that learning how to do it would really help her personally (spoiler did!).  She then realized that she could use it help her friends and family too... and of course, soon understood that there were so many people who could benefit from this incredible process and had to continue to share it!


"Even after becoming certified, it is amazing to me that what appears to be a relatively simple process is so complex. Each and every time I do a session for myself I am surprised by the effect it has on me. It is profound! Having had the pleasure of leading many sessions for others, I feel absolutely honoured to get to guide others through the process as well. Seeing the transition from freedom...has to be the most rewarding feeling of all! The thought I had before I started about maybe being able to help others has been completely replaced by the knowledge that not only will I…but I have!  And I will continue to do so! And that truly makes my heart feel so abundant."


For as long as I can remember I had big emotions. I felt everything very deeply.

In some ways that was good as I definitely felt love from family and got enjoyment out of many things...but it also meant I hurt easily, worried a lot and stressed.

All. The. Damn. Time.

This became my "normal" and I just thought it was who I was and who I would always be.

I remember when I was younger I was inside our house with my older sister when my mom went outside to do some chores. I had decided that she should have been back in by that time and grew quite concerned. I told my sister that I was worried about her and thought we should go check on her.

My sister was not at all concerned (and rightly so in retrospect) so I just sat there and stewed and stewed until I was a nervous wreck. I decided I needed help, so I dialed my Grandma (we're talking rotary phone people lol) and told her that Mom went outside to do chores and wasn't back in yet and I was worried.

Now...I come from a long line of naturally my Grandma also got worried and said she was going to jump right in the car and drive the 25km to our house to check on her. I was somewhat relieved, but also more nervous because in my head if Grandma was worried than I knew I really should be too.


Then I worried that she would be in such a flap over Mom being in trouble that maybe she would get into an accident on the way to our house...and so I worried about her too.


Just then, my Mom came back in...and of course not a thing was wrong! We quickly called Grandma and she hadn't left yet, so all was good.

Except me.

I had worked myself up into such a tizzy that I was exhausted and depleted.

I was 6. 

And that is how life continued for me for almost 30 years. Lots of love and happiness to give...but so much stress, worry and overwhelm that I was completely spent all the time.


Over the years I tried many things to ease my worries, but nothing seemed to help much. The breakthrough for me began slowly when I started using essentials oils, taking breathing and meditation classes and focusing on self care. It helped, but I wasn't there yet.


Then, thanks to some great friends and a weekend away, I attempted to make some art...and that was a huge game changer for me! It was a way to get to a place where I could let all of the worry fade to the background. At least temporarily. But I couldn't do it very often...and it still wasn't enough.


Things got to the point where I knew I needed to reach out for help and I saw a Dr. who gave me a prescription for depression and anxiety. As someone who doesn't love the idea of taking medications, that was a hard step for me. But it was what I needed at that point and I look back now and am very proud that I was brave enough to take that step. It helped. But it still wasn't enough.


Then I found Aroma Freedom. AFT allows you to deal with stressors from the past (that you may or may not even realize) as well as present and future. It has been a game changer for me!

Don’t get me wrong…this doesn’t mean I’ll never stress again. But it gives me a tool to help myself deal with situations as they arise, as well as deal with the traumas of the past. And guess what...we all have traumas in our past.

Having AFT, in conjunction with the other methods I have been using over the last few years, has gotten me to a place that I am so grateful to be! Now it is my honour to share this gift with others, so that they too can live life the way they want to.

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