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Aroma Freedom Technique



Your sense of smell is the most primitive one you have – it is the first to develop in the womb, and it connects us at an early age to feelings of safety, comfort, and joy. All animals (including humans) use the sense of smell to find good food, avoid predators, and attract mates. Smell also connects directly to the emotional brain. The olfactory nerve connects directly to the limbic system in the brain. This is where we process emotion, determine whether we are safe or in danger, and form bonds and attachments to those around us. The amygdala processes smell and triggers the fight/flight/freeze response. Using Aroma Freedom, we are able to harness this natural response and use it to remove negative emotions or blocks we have and guide our clients to positive actions instead. It works because the response to smell is powerful and automatic.


This is obviously the short answer. If you’d like a more in-depth explanation, don’t hesitate to get in touch!


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